Most brands don’t seem authentic.
Most brands are “all talk.” Our method starts with something you do.
Give people a reason to choose you.
Do something to show what you're all about.
We'll publish articles for your brand & share them on social media.​
Get a whole team of virtual assistants.
Everyone has trouble thinking clearly about their most important goals.
We help people create great things.
Small team based in Boston.​
Celebrities & large firms hire us for inspired ideas & high-quality research.
We combine AI with human intuition.
It feels good to see people publishing content about your...
personal brand; website;
side-hustle; online community
art/music; or business.​
Sometimes years pass before we make progress toward our goals…
Personal brands fail. Professional, working people are so busy that they never have time to brand themselves professionally.
Business brands fail. Businesses usually go under in the first five years, or they never get started at all.
Most brand strategies are ineffective… but that gives you a great opportunity.
When you do the ten weeks, you’ll be using a method that actually works. ​
We choose the words that feel good to read. Energize the reader, so they feel excited & do what you hope they'll do.
Text your email address to 413-749-BOSS (2677)
Or tell us about your goal: info@10weekbrand.com